For the curious, the old intros:

Episode 2
Episode 1

Back to the current one

The Home of the Dyslexic Cow: Episode 2

(Yes. The time has come for us to go- Back... to the Future.)

(Look- I beat Lucas this time! Who's a winner? I am.)

Down to Business (or lack thereof)

The way I see it, there are a few ways you could have gotten here. Either AOL or Google dumped you off because you searched for Dyslexic Cow (I'm the first listing), I know and told you to go here, go to Stuy and found this through the directory, or the outside chance that you've heard about the site from someone else. For the newbies, start with the About Me link and set out from there. You'll get my opinions on stuff, my writings, a Star Wars© quiz, links, and a doorway to Bobland. If I know you, I proly gave you a mention in my Shout Outs. Check it to make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy. Oh and all the new stuff is added on the top of any table of contents list, so that's where to look if there's been an upadate.

For those of you that have visited previously and decided out of the goodness of your hearts to come back, there has been quite a bit of turnover here. I've added a lot, changed some, and all in all have greatly improved things. And if I know you, I proly gave you a mention in my Shout Outs. Check it to make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy. (I'm consciously repeating that. That)

Neways, I hope you have at least some semblance of a good time while you're here. If you do, let me know. (That's an email link, fellas) If you didn't, I don't wanna hear from you. While you're here, you're in my zone. If you don't like it, surf away. One love.

Ben Couch Back Up

The Home of the Dyslexic Cow: Episode I

(Episode I, you ask? How could this be when the other one came first? The magic of the prequel my friend.)

(The use of this technique was independently employed by George Lucas in the making of that "new" Star Wars flick.)

Down to Business (or lack thereof)

It's been a long time, maybe too long, but then again, maybe not. I've been lazy, my friends, and you may be better off for that, but no matter. I hath returned in all my confounding glory. To rant, to rankle, and to confuse. Within the borders of this page (or out of them, depends on the size of your browser, really) you shall find short stories, rants, and my views on random topics of my choosing (oh wait, those last two are the same. Anyway.) Thou shalt find links to the pages of others, a Star Wars quiz (the casual fan need not apply), and maybe a few extras. Remember, this is the product of my mind, not yours, and you like that, which is why you're here, so any complaints fall on deaf ears. Suggestions, however, are welcome and if helpful will be duly noted. You can send mail to me by clicking here. Not here, but here and if you really feel like it, all the way over here.

Ben Couch Back Up